Brussels, Belgium Trip 2018

On Friday, 19th-Oct-2018, I have a wonderful trip to Brussels, Belgium. The first day, we had a suffering hold's day. Because the scheduler was eating us. It was a very stupid schedule that make us walking a lot after we got off from airplane. But the second day, it was a wonderful and happiest day during this trip because we played and laughed together for hold day on 20th-Oct-2018. Especially, we had met one Khmer guy who invited us to eating dinner at him home after we visited around the Brussels city in Belgium. I would like to say thank you very much for all of you guys who make this wonderful event happened in my life.     
Brussels Home of NATO

Brussels Airport

Video of our Trip 


Atomic Center

*** Thanks for watching. Have a wonderful life guys.***
*** Every life have both happy and unhappy, please, give up unhappy and enjoy your life**